Who is your target audience? Understanding who you wish to engage with should be straightforward. Research professionals should begin by defining a "respondent profile," focusing on early adopters or existing clients. Below, you'll find a template to assist in crafting this description.

Begin with a brief description of the product, its features, and the tool that your potential client will be using.

Now, with the first step completed, it's time to segment potential users into audiences, provide detailed descriptions of the segments, and outline their basic characteristics.

To do this correctly, it is necessary to outline the basic parameters of the potential respondents' profile. This will provide an understanding of the audience's boundaries and differences. Before searching for respondents, fill in the table as shown below.

Use google sheets template for that.

Business idea description

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Segments table

| Segment | Age | Gender | Kids | Salary per Year | Region of living | Income source (business, freelancer, etc.) | Marital status | Occupation (IT, Lawyer, etc.) | Hobbies | Education | Driver license | Languages spoken | (Add your own quality) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Respondents profiles

After providing a comprehensive description of audience segments, it is essential to select the most crucial parameters for respondent selection. The most critical parameters are those that identify an individual as a potential user of the platform.

Segment A

Quality Meaning

Segment B

Quality Meaning

Look over google sheets template, copy and use it