Wondering how to craft an effective questionnaire for your interviews? The template provided below will guide you in finding the answer to this question.

Let's start by taking a closer look at the "Respondents Profile" to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively describe your survey participants and categorize them into distinct segments. This step is of utmost importance as it forms the foundation for crafting your list of interview questions.

Your list of questions serves as the cornerstone of your research, enabling you to unearth valuable insights. But before you begin compiling this list, I recommend reading the following articles. They will provide you with valuable insights on how to conduct interviews effectively: [Insert link to articles].

<aside> 📌 Here's a helpful tip: Aim to keep your interviews concise, lasting no longer than 30 minutes per session.


Take a segments description from "Respondents Profile":

Segment A

Quality Meaning
Location of living

Segment B

Quality Meaning
Location of living

It's essential to note that for each of your defined segments, you should create a separate list of questions.

Basic questions

However, it's worth mentioning that there will be a set of fundamental questions that will overlap with the Quality attributes identified in your defined segments. It's crucial to ensure that your respondents indeed belong to the target audience you intend to engage with.


Age Gender Location of living

Additional questions

Questions that will give you detailed understanding of target audience.